The World Headline News

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Editor Ned Ander-Thal

Satire Since 1993

25 Years Of The

World Headline News

  A Truly Remarkable Event

Almost Washington State (WHN) This year the World Headline News begins it's 25th year of publication.  Since its inception in January 1993, the WHN has covered both the local beat and the international scene under the careful, albeit often drunken, gaze of its Founder and Editor Dr. Ned Ander-Thal, a universally (provided you ONLY talk to Ned, or his personal assistant Mark) acknowledged expert on everything.  Indeed, "many experts" state that the "stable genius" exhibited by Ned Ander-Thal exceeds even that of the temporary, er, current U.S. President Donald J. Trumpe.

One notorious, er, noted, constitutional scholar, and new WHN stringer, Mr. Steve Bannon, stated that "25 years of the WHN should be viewed in the same context as 'Il Trumpe' and the 25th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution*".  When asked to clarify this statement, Mr. Bannon muttered, "I admit that the WHN clearly exceeds the journalistic integrity of Brietbart, The Drudge Report and InfoWars...but enough is enough... is there a treasonous... and idiotic.... Ned Jr. as well?" [EDITOR: No, just Mark]

January 30, 2018   •   Issue 99

Exclusive to the World Headline News

* The President of the USA can be removed if the Vice-President and a Majority of the President's Cabinet deem the President to be unable to fulfill the duties and responsibilities of the office.

ISSUE #1  •  January 30, 1993

Ironically, on the

25th Anniversary

of the WHN, The lead headline could read

"Democratic Guard Overthrown By Russian Meddling and Covfefe*"

*Covfefe - Trump tweet of May 31, 2017

25 Years of Infamous

WHN Exclusive Photos

It's Party Time!